CSR - De Ridder Packaging
Sustainable refrigerated shipping with EcoCoolBox

De Ridder Packaging and CSR

At De Ridder Packaging, customer and society come first. We like to do our bit for a better world. For example, in all business decisions we weigh up the interests of the customer, the environment and society, and ourselves as an organization. In this way, we realize a balanced business operation. We look for responsible solutions and are constantly weighing up alternative working methods and improved processes.

This manifests itself in large and small aspects of our business operations. For example, we offer people with a distance to the labor market a pleasant workplace, we ensure good terms of employment for our employees and those of our suppliers, and we offer our employees tools to grow as individuals. In the field of sustainability, we keep a close eye on developments in the market. We seize opportunities to innovate and increase sustainability with both hands: standing still is, after all, going backwards. More and more colleagues are opting for a car powered by electricity and we try to minimize energy consumption in production and logistics processes.

However, we strictly ensure that all initiatives to contribute to society will not be at the expense of our service to the customer. In fact, the innovations for sustainability offer new opportunities to further optimize product quality and production processes. Delivering qualitative, appropriate solutions to the customer is something we are committed to on a daily basis. We are therefore proud to carry our ISO 9001 certification.

Sustainability starts with ourselves. That is why we undertake various activities to make our employees aware of a responsible way of working. But we also convey this to our suppliers and customers. We look for suppliers with the same values as ours and make them aware of the need to innovate. At the same time, we think along with our customers in the search for more sustainable alternatives. In this way, together we ensure an ever better world.

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Our experts

With more than 15 years of knowledge our experts are at your service to find a suitable solution for every transport problem! We keep a cool head and offer customer-oriented solutions!

Rick Huissen
Tijn Nieuwendijk
Lex Appel
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